Galla Mexican Cafe

    Galla Mexican Cafe

    Galla Mexican Café | Sealy, Texas 1701 Hwy 90 West B, Sealy Texas. 77474 Phone: 979-627-9266 Come enjoy delicious Mexican food in town, we serve one of the best Fajit..

    June 8, 2015 2:21 pm,4733 Views

    Galla Mexican Café | Sealy, Texas

    1701 Hwy 90 West B, Sealy Texas. 77474

    Phone: 979-627-9266

    Come enjoy delicious Mexican food in town, we serve one of the best Fajitas in Sealy, and also we cater for your business meetings, graduations, and all your special occasion please let us take care of the cooking.

     Business Hours: Monday thru Thursday 11:00 am - 9:00 pm

    Friday & Saturday 11:00 am - 10:00 pm • Sunday 11:00 am - 8:00 pm

    For all your catering needs please contact  Juan Pineda 281-871-9002

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